Empowering. Educating. Embracing.

Mindfulness-Based Childbirth Classes

Discover how to have a mindful birth experience! With this class you will not only learn the basics of labor and birth, you will learn how to apply this insight to a variety of relaxation techniques. Through mindful birthing, the awareness and acceptance of the natural birth process, you can experience birth with confidence, without judgment, and be present for each moment as you work with your baby to bring him or her earthside.

BAM; Breastfeeding Awareness Month - Nursing Toddlers and Coping with Stigma; Mindfulness-based Childbirth

In this class you will learn:

What is mindful birthing?
The ten components of a mindful birth
A review of the physiological changes during labor and birth
The holistic stages of labor
Visualizing your birth
How to anticipate and overcome barriers to your ideal birth
The power of affirmation
Relaxation as a form of pain management
Mindfulness-based activities for pregnancy and beyond
Guided imagery for labor and birth
How to build a deeper connection with your baby
How to plan a sacred postpartum
And so much more!


Get educated, get empowered, and birth with intention!

Paige Barocca, RN, BAI Birth Doula - Baltimore Birth Services; mindfulness-based childbirth



Developed by Paige Barocca, RN, BAI Birth Doula, owner of Baltimore Birth Services. Paige has 7+ experience creating, implementing, and leading mindfulness and education groups as a registered nurse. With this background and the knowledge she has as a local birth doula and birth activist, she has cultivated a childbirth education series that focuses on the emotional and spiritual component of birth. This mindfulness-based childbirth education is for those who embrace birth as a natural process, whether planning a hospital, birth center, or homebirth.





This class is available in a one day, seven hour intensive course (150$/couple) and a six week session (250/couple). Private education can be provided at request.

Currently offering private sessions for doula clients ONLY.

Inquire about Doula Care.