Empowering. Educating. Embracing.

This Holiday, Give the Gift of Support

Whatever your holiday traditions may be, most of us celebrate the season by giving. As the days get shorter, we give light to the darkness by lighting candles and hanging lights. We give warmth to our families while we light our fireplaces, roast chestnuts, and sip hot chocolate on the blustery days. We give life to our homes when we bring our evergreens inside as the last of the leaves have fallen from the trees.

The season of giving - baltimore birth services

We don’t typically think of these moments as gifts. Light, warmth, and life are often overlooked as part of our daily routine. The truth is that how you choose to experience and celebrate life is one of the most important gifts you can offer to yourself and loved ones. There are so many ways that we can share our light and warmth with others. This holiday season, as you make up your list of presents and care packages, consider gifting someone a doula.

Throughout pregnancy doulas are the light that guides expecting families, providing information and resources to help them navigate through all of their options and make the best choices for their birth plan. When a laboring woman and her partner are exhausted and tense as contractions build in the middle of the night, her doula will silently walk in and embrace the mother and her partner with warmth and compassion. With support from a professonal doula, mothers and fathers can focus on the greatest gift of all.. the gift of bringing new life into their world.



Baltimore Birth Services offers gift certificates for doula services, perfect for anyone preparing for a new baby during the holidays.

Contact me to learn more about how you can give the gift of support this season.