Empowering. Educating. Embracing.

Miles for Midwives

Maryland Families for Safe Birth put on yet another awesome gathering in support of our local homebirth midwives today.

What started out as a 5k Run/Walk or 1 mile family stroll, Miles for Midwives quickly turned into a celebration full of music, raffle prizes, face painting, and bubbles! Maryland families have more reason than ever to cut loose after the four year battle to legalize CPMs has finally paid off. Needless to say, we had so much fun! I was able to snap a few pictures of the event while chasing my toddler around the Monocacy Village Park where the event was held. We went home full-bellied and tuckered out, with our new MFSB swag. I only wish I was able to grab a shot of the crew dressed up in their Alice in Wonderland threads!

If you are interested in learning more about how you can support your local midwives, visit Maryland Families for Safe Birth.

If you attended Miles for Midwives and grabbed some photos, feel free to add them in the comments!