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Take a Babymoon

After having a baby there are so many things to rush off to do. Many mothers, fathers, and/or partners head back to work soon after the birth. Some return the very next day, some wait until after a few weeks. The financial stress of a new child can add pressure to bring home the bacon. Very few people have the liberty of paid maternity leave. The unfinished to-do lists from the week before the baby arrives, the gift cards burning a hole in your wallet, the upcoming events you’ve RSVP’d to. I’m telling you today, it can wait.

Take a Babymoon ⋆ Baltimore Birth Services

When people say “babymoon” they almost always refer to time with their partner before the baby. What about time with your new family after? It’s time to honor the sacred time that is postpartum, the best way we know how, experiencing it. Letting go of all other obligations and make the decision to put mom, partner, and newborn first. If you are expecting, whether it be your first or your fifth, consider making arrangements in advance to be at home. Here are a few reasons to dedicate that time to your new family.


This is the most critical time to bond with your baby.

From the first hour to the first days of life, babies are building a relationship with their parents. The more time you have set aside to dedicate to your new addition, the more time you can spend cultivating that bond. Give yourself time in the weeks to months after birth to cuddle skin to skin, feed your baby without other commitments, and spend those first few moments, and they will seem like moments, growing a connection that will last a lifetime.


It’s also great time to nourish the relationship that you hold with your partner.

These last nine months of pregnancy are often an emotional rollercoaster of anticipation and excitement. The expectation of a new baby can sometimes overshadow the relationship you have with your partner. You have traveled this journey together, it’s time to celebrate the love that brought your beautiful child into your arms.


This is a sensitive time for any of your previous children.

Introducing new siblings can be a challenge. Your older children may require additional support as they adjust to the new baby. Scheduling extra time for your family after birth allows parents the best opportunity to attend to all the varying needs of their children.


Whether you realize it or not, your body is exhausted.

After nine months of hard work, your body has just completed a marathon. You may be exhilarated, elated to have your baby finally at your side. That doesn’t mean you do not need to rest, and babies don’t always understand that. Taking this time to slow down allows the mother to recover from the mental and physical journey that is birth. Planning ahead to have this time set aside, with no other commitments, gives you the quickest road to recovery while tending to your newborn.


Your babies will only be this young once.

They will only have one first breath, one first smile. You want to have your ears wide open for that first attention-grabbing coo and your arms free to hold that teeny tiny burrito of joy. I’m sure you’ve heard it so many times, and there is a reason why. Babyhood is fleeting, you do not want to miss single a moment.

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